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      As someone who has worked in email marketing for a decade I can tell you with absolute certainty that Harry’s problems are just beginning and I’d urge any business to research much more widely before embarking on a viral campaign like this with email.Rapid list growth like this becomes a nightmare for on-going engagement once the initial “FREE STUFF!” campaign ends. Expectations are now sky-high. The churn rate on the subscriber list could burn your sender reputation unless engagement is sustained, relevant, and meaningful. This could mean that email delivery becomes much slower (higher deferrals), inbox placement suffers (we live in the age of the priority inbox and smart sweeping), and you burn through your SendGrid IPs and get your account closed. Future marketing via an email channel is going to suffer.This campaign also teeters on the very edge of what is legal. In the EU, for example, this kind of viral campaign is incredibly close to looking like a dodge of the prior consent rule. In the eyes of the UK’s ICO, the “instigator” of the message is not the 3rd party — it’s Harry’s. Therefore Harry’s are responsible for any malicious act resulting from this campaign and any distress it caused people who did not welcome receiving the viral email. I also hope that Harry’s were very clear in the management of the data. The email addresses of the forwarded contacts are not owned by them and they do not have consent for further marketing activities without an explicit opt-in. Or double opt-in as they’re US-based.LikeLike

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